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5-17-2016 — SimphoSOFT® 3.2 (Update 7)   Excitation map
(original release 06-26-2014) 

New projects templates have been added to model and analyze Tm-doped amplification, to model emission spectrum of Alexa fluorescent probes, STED microscopy, two-photon microscopy, quantum dots, RSA material C60.

Library of materials have new entries, including Alexa-488, Alexa-532, Alexa-488-TPA-780nm, G74_acetonitrile-1550nm, Yb-Er_LiNbO3-920nm, Tm(6%)-glass-790nm, NdYag-808nm, Er-glass_3-levels-980nm, Photofrin-630nm, BaTiO3-powder-532nm, SC-CdS_QDs-532nm, and mEGFP-780-920nm

Excitation map feature has been added as a new input and output of the SimphoSOFT® simulation. Excitation map represents the excitation of the sample material immediately after the pulse passes through the sample interior. This feature is essential when working with laser cavities and setups with repetitive irradiation. Excitation map is characterized by:
  • can be used as initial condition for the next arriving beam,
  • arbitrary time period between two consecutive beams,
  • pump and seed can have different profiles,
  • can be stored to file system,
  • single and multi-beam are supported.

A new add-on, SimphoSOFT® Link to VirtualLab™, allows users to access SimphoSOFT numerical engine to perform photo-active material calculations from the VirtualLab environment and to return the results to VirtualLab for further analysis or subsequent rounds of simulations. Users working with the following applications will benefit from using SimphoSOFT and VirtualLab:
  • Amplifiers,
  • Lasers,
  • Ring resonators,
  • Multiphoton microscopy,
  • Super-resolution microscopy.

Starting this version, SimphoSOFT® supports defining the following different types of radial profiles for the incident electro-magnetic field:
  • Super-Gaussian (and Gaussian),
  • Donut profile,
  • Top-Hat, and
  • Custom profile.

New type of snapshot has also been added to the existing set of graphical output: EMF transverse plot which shows 2D color plots of the electro-magnetic field magnitude.

Request the latest Update 3.2.7


11-21-2013 — MPA Info+ 1.0    Material Database

Imagine a task of finding an MPA material with the largest known absorption coefficient absorbing light within a desired wavelength range. It can take hours, if not days, to find such a material, and possibly extra days to verify the search.

Simphotek's MPA Info+ is the world's first, comprehensive, searchable database containing detailed photo-physical properties of over 1,000 multi-photon absorber molecules. Its main purpose is to help experimentalists, photo-physics or photo-chemist researchers, and medical investigators to quickly and easily find optimal MPA materials with desired photo-physical characteristics, cross-referenced to the recent publications.
  • over 20,000 photo-physical MPA parameters,
  • list and one-page formats,
  • energy level diagrams,
  • filtering by category, application, chemical names,
  • arbitrary search string is accepted,
  • can be searched by text and by numerical range,
  • searched based on suggested criterion,
  • multiple criteria search,
  • optimal value search

11-21-2013 — SimphoSOFT® 3.1   Suite+

A new SimphoSOFT® Suite+ program is offered consisting of the Core program and all current add-ons (ET, Optim, Multi-Beam, and Z-scan) and the new add-on MPA Info+. MPA Info+ add-on is our latest material database containing photo-physical properties of more than 1,000 multi-photon absorbing materials. WIth the database you can obtain photo-physical parameters of multi-photon absorbers and validate or optimize the underlying materials by running modeling tools of SimphoSOFT®.

02-01-2013 — SimphoSOFT® 3.0    Emission spectra

SimphoSOFT® M-CAD has been completely re-designed to replace previous tedious multi-step procedure of creating energy level diagram by a simple and fast automatic placement of transition blocks. User can now model emission spectrum for any radiative relaxation transition. The new graphical representation of rate-equations is invaluable features in the classroom for those who study non-linear optics of photo-activated materials. A complete list of new features include
  • modeling of emission spectra,
  • new, more intuitive and simplified design for M-CAD,
  • Interactive visualization of rate-equations,
  • Z-scan optimization,
  • Custom temporal shape for incident beam,
  • Pre-screening materials by monitoring damage thresholds,
  • Band-pass filters,
  • Import 2D and 3D data for visualization,
  • Transmission plot for series runs, and
  • Extended table with parameters of non-linear materials

07-24-2012 — Simphotek releases SimphoSOFT® 2.1    Z-Scan

SimphoSOFT® has been extended with Z-scan add-on which is capable of simulating open aperture Z-scan experiment. In this experiment, a sample is displaced in z-direction away from the light source for a predefined set of locations and the resulting transmission values are captured for each such location.

Starting this version, SimphoSOFT supports absorption line shape functions for any absorption and stimulated emission transition module within Core-ET-Zscan platform. This feature is ideal for simulating light interaction with materials which are resonant to a light within a non-trivial spectral range. The following shapes for the absorption spectra are available

  • custom spectral table,
  • Lorentzian shape, and
  • Gaussian shape

04-12-2012 — SimphoSOFT® 2.0    Multi-Beam   

SimphoSOFT® has been substantially upgraded to a new modeling platform – multi-beam model. This platform supports co-propagation of several different pulses through a non-linear optical sample. Pulses may have
  • different shapes,
  • different wavelengths,
  • different size, and
  • may be delayed in time from each other
SimphoSOFT® Multi-Beam is equipped with two new E-CAD primitives – time delayers and beam-splitters – which allow simulating a variety of new phenomena and real experiments, including but not restricted to
  • pump-probe experiments (with an arbitrary number of probe pulses),
  • amplifiers, and
  • STED (Simulated Emission Depletion) microscopy

12-28-2011 — SimphoSOFT® 1.6   ET Optim   

  • optimization of photo-physical parameters,
  • train of pulses,
  • cross-relaxation TM, and
  • more general configurations for upconversion TMs

8-26-2011 — SimphoSOFT® 1.5   ET   

  • photodynamic therapy simulation,
  • external intake rate for molecule concentration,
  • box shape pulses,
  • new beam component introduced in E-CAD,
  • automatic alignment of E-CAD components,
  • schematic diagram of the experiment, and
  • substantially improved plotting module

5-31-2011 — SimphoSOFT® 1.4   ET   

  • chemical reaction between molecules of different types,
  • fictitious levels to keep the product of chemical reaction,
  • E-CAD and M-CAD rendering improvements,
  • partially defined projects,
  • operation guide, and
  • 64-bit version

2-17-2011 — SimphoSOFT® 1.3   ET   

  • stimulated emission TM, and
  • extended set of series runs types (z-scan, by varying beam radius)

12-22-2010 — SimphoSOFT® 1.2   Energy Transfer (ET)         

  • more than one type of molecule supported, and
  • energy transfer, up-conversion TMs

11-05-2010 — SimphoSOFT® 1.1   Core         

  • E-CAD for setting experiment and material parameters,
  • time-resolved radially symmetric Gaussian beam,
  • photoactivated samples of single or multiple homogeneous layers,
  • setting Jablonsky energy level diagram of arbitrary size graphically in M-CAD,
  • absorption and relaxation TMs,
  • single-, two- and three-photon absorbers,
  • diffraction, Kerr effect,
  • time-resolved dynamics of electron population densities, and
  • 3D graphics for visualization of results

Demo: Highlights of SimphoSOFT workflow