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Monitor and optimize PDT for cancer with SimphoSOFT

Light therapy is evolving as a new powerful alternative to treat variety of cancers responsible for over half a million deaths yearly in US alone. Unlike chemotherapy, it is very localized and targeted. It produces less damage to healthy tissue than radiation therapy and assumes much faster recovery than surgery.

Light therapy, a.k.a. photodynamic therapy (PDT), involves laser light, light drug (photosensitizer) and oxygen. Light drug is injected into the body and is accumulated in diseased tissue. Once light is delivered to that area, light drug absorbs the light, gets excited and transfer its energy to surrounding oxygen. Such oxygen becomes highly reactive, a.k.a. singlet oxygen, and starts killing cancer cells in its vicinity.

As with any other therapy, physicians should make sure that their patients are not under- or over-treated, to avoid cancer reoccurrence or treatment side effect. Unlike radiotherapy, PDT treatment planning system remains rudimentary for most clinical applications. SimphoSOFT delivers critical components for future PDT dosimetry.

SimphoSOFT® Solution

Recent in vivo studies (report from UPenn, Dept. of Radiation Oncology) established a connection between singlet oxygen generation and tumor response. A new PDT dose as a better metric for PDT outcome is based on the singlet oxygen formation, which can be accurately predicted by SimphoSOFT.

Enabled with its Energy-Transfer add-on, SimphoSOFT accurately models changes in light drug and oxygen concentrations during entire PDT session when the PDT light is applied to the tumor regions. It allows calculating the formation of singlet oxygen and the product of its chemical reaction with tumor cells. Inadequate levels of generated singlet oxygen could lead to cancer reoccurrence.

SimphoSOFT can predict and prevent degradation of PDT due to undesirable effects of photo-bleaching and depletion of light drug. Singlet oxygen can react with not only the target tumor cells, but with the light drug as well resulting in its unrecoverable photo-bleaching. Depleted during PDT session light drug cannot trigger generating active oxygen, enough for successful treatment. Real-time monitoring these side-effects can significantly improve the effectiveness of PDT.

    • Light drug concentration (time dependent)
      • Absorption cross-section
      • Electron decay time
      • Intersystem crossing
      • Energy transfer
      • Depletion
    • Singlet oxygen concentration (time dependent)
      • Oxygen intake
    • Reacted singlet oxygen concentration (time dependent)
    • Photo-bleaching reaction of singlet oxygen
    • Variety of light drugs
      • Photofrin
      • Photoclor (HPPH)
      • mTHPC

    • Endobronchial
    • Esophageal
    • Lung
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Brain
    • Bladder
    • Prostrate
    • Head and Neck

    • NIH NCI, SBIR Phase I, 2015 (award)
    • Private donors

    • (TechNews, NJ Tech Consil, page 14, Apr 2016) Simphotek advances treatment of cacner using light-drug interactions.
    • (NJ Tech Weekly, Jan 2016) Simphotek team with partners from academia accelerates the entry of cancer PDT into the era of personalized medicine.
    • (NJ EDA, Oct 2015) Simphotek is raising money to commercialize PDT treatment planning software.
    • (NIH SBIR, Sep 2014) Simphotek has been awarded NIH/NCI SBIR Phase I to develop new experimental and computational numerical methods for adminestering and guiding PDT treatment .


SimphoSOFT® can be purchased as a single program and can be also configured with Energy Transfer add-on ET add-on, Multi-Beam add-on Multi-beam add-on, Optimization add-on Optimization add-on, Z-scan add-on Z-scan add-on, and MPA Info+ add-on MPA Info+ add-on for an additional charge. Please, contact our sales staff for more information
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  • phone: +1 (973) 621-2340
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