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Simphotek -company- Light Interactions Matter
Simphotek -company- Light Interactions Matter

Our Products:

The SimphoSOFT® application platform provides an easy-to-use CAD environment for modeling complex, time-dependent interactions of light with user specified single- and multi-layer photoactivated materials.

SimphoSOFT Core is the basic program which includes simulation of light-matter interactions with molecules having an unlimited number of energy levels, linear absorption, non-linear absorption (1-, 2- and 3-photon absorbers), diffraction, non-linear refraction (Kerr effect) and time-resolved dynamics of electron population densities.
Simphotek’s MPA Info+ is the world’s first, comprehensive, searchable database for multi-photon absorber molecules which contains records of over 1,000 multi-photon materials. What makes this database unique is that you have an access to over 20,000 absorption and relaxation values collected from scientific publications over the last 2 decades.

Available add-ons:

Additional simulation modules can be incorporated to SimphoSOFT®.

The Energy Transfer (Et) program includes all the features of the basic program plus the ability to simulate energy transfer (with or without upconversion) between molecules of different types and upconversion between identical molecules

The target material may consists of molecules (atoms, ions) of many different types, some of which may even participate in chemical reactions. SimphoSOFT®-ET provides chemical reaction modules to support chemical reactions between photoactivated molecules (atoms, ions) and to monitor population densities of reaction outcome.
SimphoSOFT® Multi-Beam supports co-propagation of several different pulses through a non-linear optical sample. It allows to model pump-probe experiments, amplifiers, and STED microscopy. Available since ver. 2.0.
The Optimization (Optim) program includes all the features of the basic program plus the ability to optimize any photophysical or geometric parameter of a bulk material or any layer of a target multi-layer material (as well as the incident pulse) to fit experimental data.

As optimization involves solving PDEs at each step, SimphoSOFT®-Optim produces more accurate results than conventional approaches which are based on substantial simplification of the propagation model. Multicore support allows significantly reduce time overhead by parallelizing individual optimization steps.

Z-scan program models open-aperture Z-scan experiment. It is an ideal tool to fit two- and three-photon absorption cross-sections when bundled with SimphoSOFT® Optimization add-on. Available since ver. 2.1

This is a material database program which contains tens of thousands of photo-physical properties of multi-photon absorbing (MPA) materials, all referenced in scientific publications. Its comprehensive search tool is very easy to use and it allows quickly finding best materials with optimal desired characteristics, which could be ported to SimphoSOFT for further modeling and analysis. Available since ver. 3.1

Demo: Highlights of SimphoSOFT workflow

SimphoSOFT® can be purchased as a single program and can be also configured with Energy Transfer add-on ET add-on, Multi-Beam add-on Multi-beam add-on, Optimization add-on Optimization add-on, Z-scan add-on Z-scan add-on, and MPA Info+ add-on MPA Info+ add-on for an additional charge. Please, contact our sales staff for more information
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