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SimphoSOFT® application notes

The following collection of application notes contains case studies of analysis and optimization of particular non-linear materials with the help of our modeling software SimphoSOFT®. SimphoSOFT is an ideal tool, if not the only one for most of the described cases, to obtain the same level of insight on light interaction with photo-activated materials presented in these case studies.

It is possible with SimphoSOFT

Complete set of energy levels
accurate modeling with complete set of energy levels
Pre-screen photo-active materials
Pre-screen materials to
  – prevent material damage
  – detect undesired photo-bleaching
  – test material in unconventional conditions
Photophysics of lasers/amplifiers
simulate in depth photo-physics of lasers / amplifiers
Design rare-earth materials
accurate modeling of rare-earth materials
  – optimize hybrid materials
  – find optimal concentrations
  – discover unwanted (idle) transitions
Accurate Z-scan simulation
characterize materials with accurate Z-scan simulation tool
Optimize the light output
optimize the output
  – emphasize fluorescence/ phosphorescence
  – optimize absorption strength of optical limiters
  – assess pulse distortion and intensity saturation
  – optimize quantum yield
Tools for Life Science
  – plan and guide light therapies to reach maximum levels of treatment
  – better insight on processes of microscopic level electron transfer
  – develop new and optimize existing dye sets for flow cytometry
  – intelligent choice of a laser for two-photon scanning microscopy

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Material SimphoSOFT® Benefits SimphoSOFT® Transition Modules
Alexa 488
two-photon scanning microscopy
  • accurately calculate output signal from fluorescent dyes
  • intelligently choose a multi-photon absorber and a laser to reach necessary resolution
  • choose the best laser for the money
    (Ti:Sapphire vs. fiber lasers analysis)
STED microscopy stimulated emission
  • optimize the stimulated fluorescence signal
  • help designing STED microscope
Alexa 488
Alexa 532
Alexa 647
fluorescent probes analysis (flow cytometry)
  • accurately estimate fluorescent and phosphorescent signals to avoid using compensation methods
  • develop new and optimize existing dye sets for multi-dyes and multi-laser configurations
  • include multi-photon dyes into existing dye sets
Tm3+ amplification (pulsed seed)
  • optimize rare-earth doped amplification material
  • example of two variables: pump energy and the sample length
  • sample properties are similar to single-mode fiber
  • accurate modeling of multiple beam propagation

Tm3+ CW seed amplification
  • optimize rare-earth doped amplification material
  • example of two variables: pump energy and the sample length
  • sample properties are similar to single-mode fiber
  • accurate modeling of multiple beam propagation

dye G47 two-photon absorption, z-scan fitting
  • predict a range of low laser beam energy values for accurate Z-scan measurements within a traditional two-level model
  • accurate characterization of two-photon absorption cross-section for high laser beam energy values by using more accurate models of three or more energy levels

AF455 two-photon absorption
  • allows setting up a complex energy level diagram, with singlet and triplet states
  • no need to modify numerical algorithm
general absorber diffraction
  • accurate modeling beam divergence
  • modeling optically thick samples
  • save computational time when negligible diffraction term is switched off
material with large nonlinear index of refraction, n2 Kerr effect
  • ideal for pre-screening materials to avoid dangerous intensity levels formation
  • detailed analysis of strong self-focusing which leads to increased light intensity
semiconductor quantum dots CdS two-photon absorption
  • modeling of excitation and relaxation of QDs
  • user can assess pulse distortion and intensity saturation
Yb3+ ⇒ Er3+ energy transfer, upconversion
  • unlimited number of energy levels and ET transitions available allows improving accuracy of computations
  • optimize hybrid material by changing types of ions
  • optimize dopant concentrations to improve performance
  • optimize quantum yield for light emission
  • can simulate some types of lasers, amplifiers, PDT, photosynthesis, FRET

Tm3+ cross-relaxation (self-quenching)
  • predict how valuable cross-relaxation and upconversion during energy transfer
  • accurately recognize dominating processes to optimize energy transfer
  • detect undesired photo-bleaching
  • optimize dopant concentrations to improve performance
  • optimize quantum yield for light emission

Ho3+ cross-relaxation (self-quenching)
  • predict how valuable cross-relaxation and upconversion during energy transfer
  • accurately recognize dominating processes to optimize energy transfer
  • detect undesired photo-bleaching
  • optimize dopant concentrations to improve performance
  • optimize quantum yield for light emission

photosynthetic reaction center electron transfer
  • perfect research tool to gain more insight on processes of microscopic level electron transfer
(photodynamic therapy)
energy transfer, with chemical reactions
  • plan and guide PDT to avoid dangerous levels of irradiations while reaching maximum levels of treatment
  • optimize parameters of PDT by predicting active oxygen reaction rate and unwanted photo-bleaching

SimphoSOFT® can be purchased as a single program and can be also configured with Energy Transfer add-on ET add-on, Multi-Beam add-on Multi-beam add-on, Optimization add-on Optimization add-on, Z-scan add-on Z-scan add-on, and MPA Info+ add-on MPA Info+ add-on for an additional charge. Please, contact our sales staff for more information
  • e-mail
  • phone: +1 (973) 621-2340
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