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Simulation of STED microscopy

This application note demonstrates how our modeling software SimphoSOFT® allows a user to model and optimize the performance of STED using the SimphoSOFT features of multiple beams and stimulated emission. SimphoSOFT can be used

  • to help design STED microscopes, and
  • to optimize the performance of fluorescent probes used in STED microscopy.

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STED setup

STED apparatus showing reduced spot size for fluorescence emission

STED Donut pulse

FWHM of the fluorescing spot will be greatly reduced at a time of 60 ps (after the Donut STED pulse has passed through the sample) compared to a time of 5 ps (which is just before the Donut pulse). More analysis and details are in the application note.

SimphoSOFT® can be purchased as a single program and can be also configured with Energy Transfer add-on ET add-on, Multi-Beam add-on Multi-beam add-on, Optimization add-on Optimization add-on, Z-scan add-on Z-scan add-on, and MPA Info+ add-on MPA Info+ add-on for an additional charge. Please, contact our sales staff for more information
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