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Simphotek -company- Light Interactions Matter
Simphotek -company- Light Interactions Matter


SimphoSOFT® (ver. 3.1) is a graphically-based simulation software to accurately model light propagation and non-linear interaction with photo-activated materials. In a CAD-like GUI, users can define an unlimited number of energy levels and arbitrary transitions which include single-photon absorption, multi-photon absorption, relaxation, energy transfer and up-conversion.

Comparing SimphoSOFT® with selected software packages.

SimphoSOFT® was primarily designed to model photo-activated materials. The chart below will help you to see the main differences in the ways SimphoSOFT and other existing software support active materials. Choose one of three tabs to compare different aspects of such support.

SimphoSOFT® does not replace the existing software packages but rather ideally complements them. Its main focus is on optimization and modeling photo-activated material itself, while devices are well represented by the existing software.

SimphoSOFT® was created to ease the experience of simulation photo-activated materials, moving all the input to graphical dialogs. No scripting or programming is required to set energy levels and transitions: users only manipulate graphical objects in a CAD-like dialog and the numerical code is adjusted automatically behind the scenes.

SimphoSOFT® software at a glance.

    SimphoSOFT allows full-scale micro-level simulation of photo-active materials by considering a full set of energy levels and transitions. Energy levels and transitions are defined in Graphical User Interface and no additional scripting or programming is required to run simulation.

    SimphoSOFT is best suited for

    • Material characterization (inverse problem)
    • Pre-screening photo-active materials
      • prevent material damage
      • detect undesired photo-bleaching
      • test materials in unconventional conditions
    • Optimize absorption and emission
    • Assess pulse distortion and intensity saturation
    • Detailed photophysics of certain lasers and amplifiers
    • Accurate Z-scan simulation
    • Tools for life science

    SimphoSOFT® enables numerical modeling of the following experiments by applying a variation of FDTD propagation algorithm coupled with adjustable set of rate-equations:

    Light transmission

    including optical limiting and amplification
    train of pulses

    Open-aperture Z-scan


    or, a more general, multiple beams

    Light triggered chemical reactions

    and more...

    Multi-layered samples and mixtures of different types of photo-activated molecules, ions. Post-pulse simulation is also available.

    The program calculates the electro-magnetic wave (pulse) profile at any propagation depth and any radius away from the center of the pulse, as well as the time dynamics of the ground and excited states populations of all the molecules/ions involved in simulation. 2D and 3D plots (profiles, cross-sections) are provided as the output.


    Main program which implements our Active Photonics Building Blocks algorithm. Features included: unlimited number of energy levels, (1-, 2- and 3-photon) absorption and relaxation transitions, stimulated emission, Kerr effect, diffraction, multi-layer samples. It is good for material characterization and modeling of photo-activated materials in general.

    ET (energy-transfer)

    This add-on enables Core program with more than one type of molecules, energy transfer, up-conversion, chemical reaction. It is ideal for rare-earth doped materials simulation, photo-dynamic therapy.


    This add-on enables a single-parameter fit against the transmission measurements. Any photophysical or geometric parameter can be optimized.


    This add-on support co-propagation of two or more different pulses through a non-linear optical sample. It is ideal for modeling pump-probe experiment, certain (fiber) amplifiers, and STED microscopy.


    This add-on enables modeling of Z-scan experiment. Users can fit two- or three-photon absorption cross-sections when Optim add-on is present.


    The modeling part of SimphoSOFT® is based on an implementation of FDTD method which includes a model of electronic excitation due to absorption of light. Its wave propagation equation is a variant of nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation derived from a nonlinear Helmholtz equation by applying paraxial approximation. It describes propagation of the pulse’s slowly varying envelope (SVEA) within the material sample.

    Free-size rate equations (active materials)

    To take into account the light-based excitation, SimphoSOFT® propagation equation is coupled to a set of rate equations, which model time evolution of spatially varying electronic population densities of the species of photo-activated material for all essential excited energy states. One of the benefits of using SimphoSOFT is allowing arbitrary size for the set of rate equations.

    Active Photonics Building Blocks (APBB) algorithm

    Our patented APBB algorithm allows users to avoid writing additional scripts or developing additional code to be able to set arbitrary size rate equations for non-trivial energy level diagrams. Users use a predefined set of icons provided in a CAD-like dialog to build a desired energy level diagram with any number of energy levels and transitions between the levels. APBB will create the required rate equations, adjust the numerical constants, vectors and matrices, and, solve them numerically for each propagation step.

    Split-step numerical method

    SimphoSOFT® implements a variation of the Split-step numerical method to model linear and non-linear polarization effects. The method increases accuracy of the numerical calculations and makes it easy to add new terms due to previously disregarded effects.

SimphoSOFT® Link to VirtualLab™.

SimphoSOFT® supports co-simulation with optics design software package VirtualLab™ via SimphoSOFT Link which provides APIs to third-party software packages. The SimphoSOFT Link to VirtualLab allows users to access SimphoSOFT numerical engine to perform photo-active material calculations from the VirtualLab environment and to return the results to VirtualLab for further analysis or subsequent rounds of simulations.

SimphoSOFT® can be purchased as a single program and can be also configured with Energy Transfer add-on ET add-on, Multi-Beam add-on Multi-beam add-on, Optimization add-on Optimization add-on, Z-scan add-on Z-scan add-on, and MPA Info+ add-on MPA Info+ add-on for an additional charge. Please, contact our sales staff for more information
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